Pastor's Blog


Over the last few months it has become increasingly clear to me that we are inundated with a barrage of information. Sometimes this information is good and helpful, often it is not. For that reason, as you pastor, I have felt compelled to point you in the direction of helpful resources. My prayer is that these resources will deepen your knowledge of Scripture, encourage you to live faithfully for Christ in a world vying for your allegiance, and motivate you to find your joy in what glorifies our God. Lord willing, this will be the first in a regular series of posts to that end.



  • BibleTalk - This podcast is shaping up to be a great course in biblical theology that will surely deepen your passion for Scripture and help you see how it all fits together and culminates in Christ. It is another great resource from 9Marks and I highly recommend it. They are only four episodes in, so you have time to catch up.
  • The Briefing - Albert Mohler’s daily analysis of news and events from a distinctively Christian perspective is almost away helpful. I find him to be thoughtful, biblical, and succinct. If you are looking to stay up on current events without the distraction of cable news and social media, this a great resource.


  • Chance & Mary Austin Faulkner - Why We Embrace Children In Our Worship Service. This is a helpful article that summarizes the reasons and responsibilities pertaining to children in the worship service. Read it and be newly invigorated in the high calling of parenthood.
  • Nick Augenkamp - You Can Lead Family Worship. One of the greatest means of discipleship in our families is to worship together at home. I trust this article will encourage husbands & fathers to take the lead and will be a blessing to everyone.


  • David Matthis - Habits of Grace. In an age distracted by social media, cable news, and a constant stream of new information, it is important we stop and remember the most spiritually beneficial way we can spend our time. This book reminds us that God conforms our hearts to Christ through the ordinary means of reading his Word, going to him in prayer, and regular participation in the life of the church. Take up and read.